For submission, ELEKTROPIKA only allows submission in *.pdf file. Authors can download the templates for MSWords or LaTeX here. If the authors use other wordprocessors, please follow the guidelines given below for submission.


Manuscripts must be written in English. The maximum number of pages allowed is 20 including title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, figures, references, and appendices. The manuscripts must be in A4 paper with 12 point Times New Roman font.


The title must be compact and explains the overall content of the manuscript. Each word shoud be capitalized.

Authors Name

Author(s) name must be followed after the Title. Affiliation for each author(s) should be written after author(s) name.


The abstract should comprise of maximum 200 words. After the abstract, list out the keywords. At least 5 keywords must be listed.


Headings must be short and numbered from 1 with consecutive numbering. The hierarchy of the headings is allowed until subsubsection. For main section, it must be presented in bold font. The following subsection is presented in normal font, while the subsubsection is presented in italic font. If lower than subsubsection hierarchy is necessary, please use bullets to present this.


Tables and Figures must be included in the text. All Tables and Figures must be supplied with clear captions and should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The Table numbers and caption must be placed on top of the tables, while the Figure numbers and caption must be placed below the figures. Remember to cite all tables and figures in the main text if they are included in the manuscript. For referencing purpose, use “Fig. 1”, “Fig. 2”, “Table 1”, “Table 2” and so on, to refer to Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, and Table 2, respectively.


All equations must be numbered from 1 with consecutive numbering using Arabic numerals. For referencing purpose, please use “Eq. (1)” in the text when equation 1 is referred and so on.

References and Style

ELEKTROPIKA utilizes IEEE Bibliography style. For LaTeX users, please download “ieee.bst” from IEEE website or here for the style file (BiBTeX). For MSWords users, please arrange the reference according to IEEE Bibliography style.